Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful For: Car

I hope everyone had a fantastic and safe Thanksgiving holiday.  I had a great time spending it with extended family up in Blackfoot, Idaho.  A lot of good food eating, relaxing, movie viewing, fireplace sitting, game playing, and laughing.

Today (and everyday) I am thankful for a car to get me to the places I need to go efficiently and safely.  I am glad to have a reliable car that got me to Idaho without any trouble this past week.  Sadly (as avid readers already know), my 2001 Chevy Prism had to be put to rest.  Felix will be missed.  However, I am very thilled for my new 2010 Mazda 3. :)

Still trying to think of names...My Mom suggested one to me already that I really like.  What are your thoughts?

Here is my new car:

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