Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Horton Hears A...Shh, Can You Hear It?

Today, Justine and I took some of our students on a field trip to see Seussical: The Musical.  It was a really awesome experience.  The play centers a lot around the character, Horton, an elephant, who claims that he can hear a voice that seems to come out of nowhere.  He hears a voice, listens to this voice, and speaks back to this voice...Yet no one else can hear it, because no one else wants to hear it...Especially the Sour Kangaroo (a hardened heart, perhaps?).  I saw so much similarity in how the Holy Ghost works.  As LDS people, we know we hear His voice.  We are receptive to a voice from someone we can not see.  Other people may ostracize us, but we stay strong and firm in the things we know to be true.  I just loved how much the story from Seussical tied in to this.

*Sings* Because, a person's a person...No matter how small.


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