Monday, April 11, 2011

Strong Enough

My trip is going extremely well!  It has been so refreshing to get out of the cold, snowy abyss that of which is Utah to travel to a sunny, palm tree forest area that of which is Las Vegas, Nevada slash Phoenix, Arizona.  It has been so great to see family along the way as well.

I went to church yesterday with my Grandparents, Aunt Donna, Uncle Larry, and cousins.  My Grandpa teaches the adult Sunday School class, and he gave a very powerful, inspired lesson.  We were discussing the story about the Savior walking on water, and my Grandpa shared a quote from Elder Keith R. Edwards (Quorum of the 70 and brother to my Grandpa; uncle to my Dad).  It reads:

"That story is often quoted to suggest that Peter had faltering faith.  But ... of at least 12 people on the boat, ... only Peter, was willing to 'get off the boat.'  And, while he doubted, he is only one of two people that are recorded in history as having 'walked on water.'  Similarly, although his faith may have failed, it was at least strong enough to carry him close enough to the Savior that when he cried out for help, the Savior could stretch forth his hand and save Peter.  Certainly Peter did more than his companions expected him to do - but perhaps not more than the Lord expected.  Maybe if our faith is only strong enough to get us close enough to the Savior that he can take our hand and save us, that will be close enough."

I really like this interpretation.  Maybe people look at this story as, "Oh, Peter did not have the faith he needed."  But, he did.  We don't need to have a perfect faith.  We just need to have enough faith, so that we can get close enough to the Savior.  Then, the Savior will immediately catch us when we fall.

Here are some pictures of my drive down to Vegas.  The snow slash wet was annoying on the road, but much beautiful to look at.


1 comment:

  1. this is really beautiful sean. also, I miss those mountains.
