Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 15, 2011

Wow!  What a week.  I don't even know where to start.  This e-mail might get lengthy, but it's worth the read.  I promise.
I'll start with baptisms.  We had 4 baptisms this week.  Dawn, Ray, Cameron, and Kelly.
Dawn's Baptism: It was a great experience to see another Young Single Adult faithfully enter through the gate that leads to Christ.  She was so happy, and smiling the whole time.  There was a great turn out.  She wants to go to BYU, so maybe I'll eventually get to see her up in Provo.  Elder T and I taught her the lessons at the Bishop's house, but now that she is part of the Singles Ward, she will now be taught by the Assistants To The President.  They are over her ward, and will continue with post-baptism lessons.  Dawn was so sad that Elder T and I wouldn't be teaching her anymore.  She expressed how upset she was right in front of the APs.  Oops.
Rick's Baptism: AWESOME!  Rick is a 72 year old man that is just ready to accept everything that the Lord wants for him.  There were OVER 100 PEOPLE at his baptism!  I am so happy and pleased to see the wonderful fellowshipping by the ward members.  Rick is already calling the ward his "family".  That is EXACTLY how investigators and new converts should feel.  Rick is a crossing gaurd for the kids when school is in session.  He calls the children, "My kids."  When he was being baptized, all the kids gathered to the front of the font to watch.  After Rick was baptized, he stood in the font, smiled the biggest smile, pointed at all the kids, and said, "Look at all my kids!"  Oh, it was the happiest experience!
Cameron and Kelly's Baptism: Cameron and Kelly are brother and sister.  Their Dad just got baptized about a month ago.  The Dad baptized his daughter Kelly.  It was such a special experience.  This family has seen a complete 180 in their home since taking the missionary discussions.  Everyone is happier.  I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost at their baptism.  It went well.  I used a quote by Elder Worthlin.  He says, "This of what [receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost] means, the ability and the right to recieve the ministrations of a member of the Godhead, to commune with infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, and infinite power!"  I love that!
*Que music* NaNaNa LaLaLa NaNaNa DaDaDa!  The FAMILY Report:
Tuesday: I had dinner with a family in the Waterfall Ward (last name Bailey).  It turns out that the mom is REALLY close friends with Debbie!  AND, Brett's wife, Kim, painted them a picture just after their first child passed away.  They said that it meant the world to them.
Also on Tuesday, Elder T and I were out tracting and we knocked on a door.  A 20-something year old answered the door.  He said that he was the only one home and he was just visiting the family he answered the door of.  He said that he is from Logandale.  It turns out he was/is in Aunt Donna's ward!  He was like, "YEAH!  Your uncle was my Bishop!"
Wednesday: Saw Jeff again at Desi's Baptism!  She is now attending his ward.
Saturday: Elder T, Elder N, Elder S, Elder C, and I went out for YOGURTLAND! (Because it was 8:30 and everyone gets mad at us when we knock on their doors at like 8:00).  Well, as I am filling my yogurt cup, I feel a tap on my arm.  I look over and it's Sheldon Paul!  Small, small world!  It was great to get to talk to him about his family and how the Keith and Judy Family Reunion went!
Sunday: So yesterday, I was at church and it was Ward Conference.  Before church started, the bishop came into the congregation to get me so that he could introduce me to the Stake President, President  M.  He said to me, "So, you're Mahlon's grandson!"  It was so exciting.  He knows Grandpa and Uncle Keith well.  He says that they were incredible mentors for him and that he has a great and strong love for the whole Edwards Family.  What a wonderful Stake President.
*Que more music* RaRaRaNaNaNaLaaaaaaDAAAAAAA!  The Food Report!
Monday: Teriyaki Beef
Tuesday: Lunch - Boneless Buffalo Wings with Mango Sauce, Dinner - Enchiladas
Wednesday: Chicken Breast with Artichoke Hearts and Sun Dried Tomatoes over Pasta
Thursday: Steak Nachos
Friday: Lunch - Turkey, Cranberry, and Stuffing Sub, Dinner - Lasagna
Saturday: Teriyaki Shredded Chicken
Sunday: Honey Mustard Glazed Pork
Oh, this past Tuesday we had Zone Meeting and the Zone Leaders asked Elder T and I to be a huge part of it.  We acted out 3 scenarios in which one of us was doing the wrong thing and the other companion had to lovingly correct the other.  It went well.  All the other missionaries thought our role plays were funny.
Elder T and I took the picture of us with Bieber the Turtle and made planner covers out of it.
I continue to learn so much every day!  Mom!  Have you started reading in the Old Testament yet?  I started reading from the very beginning and I've already finished Genesis.  I've never realized how strange the Old Testament is, but at the same time there is a lot to gain.  I think it's incredible how effortless and how easy it was for Joseph to forgive his brothers after selling him into Egypt.  Amazing!  Get ready for Seminary!  Woo!
Yesterday, President M taught Priesthood.  He gave a really good lesson, and incorportated math into it.  He said, "What if the Inverse Square Law ( f = 1/d<squared>) is true of our spirituality?"  Then, the smallest amount of sin will drive us EXPONENTIALLY further away from the Lord.  I think that's amazing!  This wasn't talked about in class but it's how I see it: I look at Laman and Lemuel.  Their sin started off as something small...Mocking, back-biting, and gossiping about their Father, and LOOK at where that got them = Exponentially further away from the Lord.
Well...I will leave you with that thought.  I hope you all enjoyed my weekly e-mail.  To everyone that has written me letters: Keep them coming...I LOVE them, and I love all of you!
I love you, family!  You are the best!  Your son and brother love you VERY VERY ETERNALLY  MUCH!
Elder Sean Edwards

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness you guys eat like Kings! So glad the wards are taking good care of you! So fun to hear how well things are going out there with you, Elder Edwards, taking on Las Vegas!!! awesome!
