Sunday, July 29, 2012

Everything is going Great!


This has been a WILD week!

Charlene was baptized on Saturday, July 14th.  It was a wonderful service and we had a good turn out.  Her husband, Jay, performed the baptism.  She is such a sweet spirit and is very excited about being a member.  I just love her!  President and Sister Black came to the service and it was great to have their support as well.  I gave the opening prayer.

Wow...We have been so busy!  There were days this week where we didn't even take our full hour lunch or dinner break.  It is an excellent and wonderful feeling to be so BUSY!  I love it!
Khim: Came to church!  As long as he stays away from smoking this week, he can be baptized on Saturday!  Exciting!  I believe and have faith in him.
Alexis: She will be baptized this Saturday.  She asked me to be the one to baptize her, and as much as I would LOVE to, I felt that it would be even more special to her and her family to have her best friend/cousin, Nicholas, baptize her.  She is so awesome!
Justine: She is overcoming some Word of Wisdom issues right now.  She is doing great though and is still very excited for her baptism on July 28th.
Mari and M: THEY ARE BACK!  Hopefully they don't have to up and leave again soon.  We will start up teaching them again on Thursday.
Mi and L: I love them!  They are refugees from the Congo.  They are such a sweet couple.  After teaching the Plan of Salvation, M said, "So, what you are saying is, I can be with my family forever?"  He was so excited to hear that!  They don't want to "rush" into anything, which is understandable because new country, new language, new everything.  They want to take it a little more slow, but I have no doubt they will enter into the Church and be baptized.
M: We didn't get to see her this week because she was out of town.  We hope to see her this week.
T: We met with her twice.  We are trying to get the Dad to allow her to be baptized by another Priesthood holder because he isn't making any steps to be worthy to do so himself.
T: He is doing well on vacation.
A: She is a 10 year old daughter of a less-active that wants to start coming back to church.  We committed her to baptism, but she didn't show up to church on Sunday.  Hopefully we can resolve whatever happened there.
Will: He has taken discussions before but now wants to start over.  He is more serious and ready about coming into the Church.  He is really hard on himself and has a lot of guilt for the things he has done in the past, so that will be a hurdle to overcome.  But, we are excited to be teaching him as well.
At church, a non-member couple (Miguel and Jessica) showed up and we are going to start teaching them this week.  Also, an elderly Black lady, Barbara, came to church and we are going to start teaching her as well.  She already said, "I want to join your church."
...A lot of great work going on right now!!  I LOVE IT and I attribute it all to the Lord! :)

Food Report:
Monday: Chicken
Tuesday: Chicken
Wednesday: Cheeseburger
Thursday: Pork Tortillas
Friday: LOBSTER and crablegs (Sister Parker took us to Red Lobster.  Yum!  I love her!)
Saturday: Turkey and Stuffing and Cranberry Sauce Sub
Sunday: Chicken Salad

I just realized that I currently have no previous companions in my mission.  Elder N is in the Reno Mission.  Elder T is home.  Elder S went home early.  Elder M is in the Reno Mission.  Elder P is in the Reno Mission.  Elder C is in the Reno Mission.  Elder H just went home early this last weekend (very sad).  I hope Elder F stays after we are done serving together!

Small World:
1) Kim's new mission president's kids (I believe) went to Timpview High School.  I was teaching while some of them were there!
2) I met Elder B who knows and loves Charee!  He was sooooo excited when I told him I was Charee's cousin.  He couldn't believe it.

This Week:
-We met with a couple of bishops from the Sandstone Stake.  It was fun to meet with them and try to help with the missionary efforts in their ward.  One of the bishops we met with, Bishop T, knows the Edwards Family very well.  He told me to ask Dad if he remembers a Ron T (I think his brother).  Anyway, he showed me a wall where Grandpa would try to shove youth through the cinderblocks saying, "You'll be ready to be translated then you can go through this wall."  Hahaha.  And, then he called Grandpa right when I was there (I didn't ask him to, I promise haha).  But, I got to tell Grandpa I love him and it was such a great tender mercy to hear his voice.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDPA!
-Leadership Training was this last Wednesday.  I met Elder O who is serving in Grandma and Grandpa's Ward!  I also met Elder Z who is serving in Panaca who went to the Edwards' Reunion and met like...everyone.  At Leadership Training, Elder F and I did a 45 minute presentation on working with the Ward Council.  We did a "mock Ward Council" and role played a bit.  It was so much fun and everyone seemed to really enjoy it.  I am glad it went well.

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!  Keep sending me your prayers and letters!

Elder Sean Edwards

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