Sunday, October 16, 2011

October 10, 2011


Hi.  I will start with a highlight...The weather!  The weather this last week has been incredible.  It rained quite a bit, was overcast, and cool.  It felt nice.  It has jumped back up into sunny and warm for today, but at least it is a sign that it is starting to cool off.  It was much appreciated.

I never know where to start because I always have a million thoughts going through my head.  I will start this week off with the Food Report:
Monday: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
Tuesday: Lunch - Mahi Mahi, Dinner - Shish-Ka-Bobs
Wednesday: Eggplant Lasagna
Thursday: Cheeseburgers
Friday: Spaghetti
Saturday: Pistachio Crusted Salmon
Sunday: A Middle Eastern Chicken Dish
Monday (Yesterday): Cheeseburgers (again)

Weekly Summary:
Monday: B is one of our new investigators.  She is recent convert W' daughter and C and K's step sister.  She is 13 years old and so excited to learn about the church.   We taught her the 1st half of Lesson 1.
Tuesday: We taught B the 2nd half of Lesson 1.
Wednesday: Incredible day!  It poured rain most of the day, but because we were diligent and went out in the rain, we were able to see blessings.  We were biking up to the north part of our area and Elder T had the inspiration to visit this lady named Sharon who the missionaries before us put down as a potential in the area book.  We tried stopping by her house multiple times previously, but no one was home.  This time...She was home.  We talked with her for about 30 minutes on her doorstep.  It was obvious that she wanted to know truth, but didn't know where to find it.  Her friend had been telling her some confusing things and Sharon said that those things didn't feel right to her.  We testified that truth has been restored to the earth today.  We were able to answer a lot of her questions and she said our answers made sense to her.  She has also been having some health problems, so we offered to give her a blessing.  I gave the blessing and it was a really incredible experience.  This was the first blessing I gave in which I had no foreknowledge of the situation.  The words seemed to just flow right out of my mouth.  I knew it was of the Spirit and that He was guiding me to the right things to say.  The Spirit was so strong and after the blessing Sharon was crying.  She said that I said exactly the things she needed to hear.
After being at Sharon's house, we biked up to W's house to give Sister C's disabled daughter, Candy, a blessing.  Candy is 7 years old and very severe.  She has several self-stimulatory behaviors similar to Elaine (ie. rocking, etc.).  She has had many seizures lately and there was a concern there.  I had the opportunity to give Candy a blessing and that was a very special moment for me.  It felt for a moment as if I was giving a blessing to Elaine.  In the blessing I spoke of how Candy is one of God's greatest treasures.  I know the same goes for Elaine.  It was a great Wednesday.
Thursday: We taught Madison (recent convert) about the Tree of Life.  We taught B Lesson 2.  B's step brother, H, joined in on the lesson with us.  He is now a new investigator.
Friday: It was a normal day...And then, OUR BIKES WERE STOLEN!  YES...STOLEN!  Rawr.  That Satan is always trying to thwart the work, but we will not let him win!  Oh...And there was snow on Mt. Charleston.  I thought I was back in Provo for like 2 seconds.
Saturday: We went over to Mia and Brad's house (some neighbors we met at the Bloc-Party activity).  We had breakfast with them and did service in their yard.  We had a short discussion with them.  They were nice and listened, but they were not interested in learning more.  Maybe one day.  We taught Alyssa a lesson about the Liahona.
Sunday: Church.  After church we went to a member's house.  He owns a diamond business.  His "silverware" was gold-plated.  Crazy!  Anyway, because Elder T is planning on proposing to his girlfriend of 5 years in a few months, he was looking at some diamonds.  It was fun to hold $15,000 diamonds in my hands and look at them through the lens.  Good thing I didn't lose any!
Monday (Yesterday): We had dinner with the Gibson's family.  I got to go on a walk with their daughter with autism.  That was fun for me.  Also, we had a family game night with the Andrew's, who we LOVE!  They are so much fun.  Like, we quote them all the time because they say and do the funniest things.

Here are some of the more funny moments of this last week:
1) Elder T and I are riding our bikes in the rain back to our apartment to get our jackets and all the sudden we hear someone driving down the road yelling, "HOW'S LASAGNA??"  We turn in much confusion and the bishop's wife, Sister R, is yelling outside her car window asking us if we want lasagna for dinner.  We were totally taken offguard.
2) While at dinner, Bishop R was saying how perfect the lasagna was because when the "cheese cooks, it blisters and bubbles and makes it perfect."  Desi shouted, "Ew!  I don't want blisters on my food!"
3) The very next night, we were leaving Wes' home after teaching a lesson to his daughter Beth.  A Relief Society activity had just ended and as we are riding our bikes, all the sudden Elder T and I hear, "I BET YOU DIDN'T HAVE LASAGNA TONIGHT!"  Yep...Sister R again!
4) Sister R proceeded to tell us to get some leftover treats from the Relief Society activity.  As we were riding away she yelled, "Good luck with the sea of women!"  Hahaha!  She just says so many funny things without even knowing it.
5) On Sunday we joined the Teachers and Priests for their lesson.  Well, it just so happened it was a "rebuking" lesson because none of the teachers showed up this last Sunday to help prepare the Sacrament.  Anyway, the parents were invited to come into the meeting and the Young Men's President starts off by saying things like, "We love your young men.  They are awesome.  Is there anything we can do to better improve our program?  How can we help your young men?" etc. etc.  Sister C just shouts, "We all know this is a prerequisite to a tattle-tale so get on with it already!"  It was the FUNNIEST thing ever.
6) Bishop R is a surgeon and I was telling the Bishop R and his family over dinner how one of my greatest fears is having my appendix burst.  Bishop R came up to me on Sunday and said, "I was taking out an appendix last night and thought of you."

My e-mails are WAYYYY TOOO LONGGGGGG, but I don't know how to shorten them.  Sorry.

Anyway...I will end my letter here so you don't have to be tortured with anymore reading.  I love you all.  Thank you for all your love and support and letters.  Tell all friends and family I love them.

Love you!!!!

Elder Sean Edwards

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts! You are an awesome missionary! Loving the people and the lord! An inspiration!
